Hochhauser Genealogy

The Privilege - introduction
The Privilege
As mentioned in the previous page Franciszek Stadnitski the count of Nawojowa have honored Wolf hochhauser and his sons Jozefa and Moses or Samuel with a Privilege to live Build Houses and to do Bussiness in Labowa.
We have found the privilege in the State Archives of Wawel (ANS 36) Kraków poland, this files was belonging to Adam Stadnicki the grandson of Franciszek Stadnitski the Graf of Nawojowa and the surrounding Villages, Adam Stadnicki sold his Archives to the Polish government and they have stored it in the Wawel Archive.
the first Version (page 1) is the same as of the second version (page 3), and the third version (page 7) ia a longer more detailed contract.
my researcher have found another copy of this privilege in the Grodzka Archive of Krakow, in the file called: C.K. Komisja Ministerialna dla zniesienia ciężarów gruntowych w Krakowie. to understand the purpose of this archive and the significance of this Official copy we have to write a bit about history...
Since 1793 (תקנ"ג) Poland was not an independent nation, was occupied by: Russia, Austria and Prussia. Poland did not exist on the map and was divided between those three countries. Poland regained independence in 1918 (תרע"ח). By 1918, Galicia, was controlled by the Austrian empire. In 1848 (תר"ח) revolution broke out in Europe (Spring of Nations). In Galicia also. This revolution was a series of democratic revolts against the monarchies in Europe. It is not my goal to explain this but… Spring of Nations in 1848 prompted the government in Vienna to reform enfranchisement. In Galicia, all the peasants received land which cultivated. But not only, this reform was wider. In 1850, the new office was established. This committee (office) prepared many documents. It is c.K Komisja Ministerialna dla zniesienia ciezarow gruntowych w Krakowie.
there under the city of Nawojowa there is a file for the properties of the jewish people of Labowa, they have to come the the new office and claim there proprerties, There are documents signed by Wolf Hochhauser (a grandson of the first Wolf Hochhauser...), Yeshaye Hochhauser, Leie Hochhauser and other people of the community. there are tables shows names of particular person and their property etc. there we find this copy of the Privilege, it look to be that it was a repetition/renewal of the privileges conferred.
this copy have been made on November 22, 1855. it is the same text as of the third version but there is a few differences.
the text and the several versions
the privilege of the Wawel Archive are not the final text and did not have any signature as an original Document, there are many mistakes, deleted sentences. Of course this document was the basis for writing a formal document. (and the original was probably kept by the Family or the community leaders), but the official copy of year.
in the first and second Version the privilege was given for Wolf Hauhauser and his sons Yosef Hauhauser and Samuel Hauhauser. the same is mentioned in the official copy of year 1855, only there the family name is written as we used to write it today HOCHHAUSER (i will comment on this changes on my writing about the Hochhauser family name in general), but in the third version they write Wolf, and his sons Yosef and Moses Neuhauser, it is clearly a mistake done by the scriber / copyist, and it comes probably from that in Galicia they used often to write in several languages Polish ukraine and German, and in ukraine the "H" is written with the symbol of a "N".
about the other differences we will comment at the translation at there place.

The Privilege year 1800
The Privilege, Cover

page 1 - The Privilege, One Version

Page 2 - Cover 2 of The Privilege

פראוויז פון עיר לאבאווע מן ק"ק נאוועוויוו
נאוועיוור פראוויז
המגיד מראשית אחרית הוא יתן לכם שם טוב ושארית

Page 3 - The Privilege, Second Version

Page 6 - (pages 4-5 are empty)

Page 7 - The Privilege, third Version

Page 8 - The Privilege, third Version page 2

Page 9 - The Privilege, third Version page 3

a partly translation of the third Version - Draft only
[Ja] niżej podpisany Franciszek na Rożnowie Hrabia z (Stadnik)
Stadnicki, starosta osuzeszowski, kawaler orderów Orła białego, y S. Stanisława, pan dziedziezny państw, Dukla, z Przyleglosciami,
Jwla Przyleglosciami, zmigród z Przyleglosciami, [Hothocze z Przyleglosciami,] Nawojowa z Przyleglosciami, Łabowa [Lubomierz] &.
[I] stated below the under signed Francis Count (Graaf) on Roznow from Stadnitski governor of Rzeszow, knight (ritter), white Eagle medals of mr. S. Stanisława (the latest polish king), lord of areas and states, Dukla dependencies, Jwla dependencies, zmigrod dependencies, [Hothocze dependencies,] Nawojowa dependencies, Łabowa [Lubomierz] etc.
Chcąc w wsi mojej dziedzicznie Łabowa Zwanej w Cyrkule sandeckiem Leżącey w miejscu Lubomierz nazwanym, Dotąd zwykle i przywileiem Nayjasnieyszego [monarchy] Józefa drugiego Cesarza Rzymskiego a króla Galicji i Lodomeryi, dlategóż miejsca miejsca Lubomierz pozwolono Jarmarki nietylko utrzymać, ale powiększyć, a tak poddanych swoich i (akoteż) publiczności mianowicie w pobliskosci mieszkającej różnym potrzebom dogodzić, Pozwalam moim Sukces(sor)ów moich Imieniem starozakonnym Wolfowi Ojcu, Jozefowi i Moszkowi [Smulowi] Synom jego, Hauhauser [Hochhauzer] zwanym [tudzierz Samuelowi Berman ato.]
Wanting in the village hereditarily Labowa, called the sandzer circle (Sandzer kries), lying in the place called Lubomierz, So far, usually, with the privilege of his majesty [monarch] Joseph the second Roman Emperor and the King of Galicia and Lodomier, Wherefore the market place of Lubomierz is allowed not only to maintain, but larger, as well as their subjects and the audience of a nearby living namely accommodate different needs, I let my Successes in the jews, there Name Wolf the Father, Josef and Moses [Semuel] his sons, called Hauhauser [Hochhauzer]. ([or is called also Samuel Berman]. This part is added in the copy from year 1855 but it is not true Samuel Berman lived in Labowa but was not samuel Hochhauser)
1; W tejże wsi Łabowa [w tymze miasta] na placach wyznaczonych, Domy murowane stawiać (oprócz) [oprucz] tego.
1; in that village Łabowa [In the same town Lubomierz], on designated sites, brick houses Beside this place.
2; Browarki na miejscach równie oznaczonych od Budynków mieszkalnych oddalonych nad brzegami Rzeki kamienicy leżą, Cych tejże ile możności murować tym końcem, ażeby wszelkie od ognia bezpieczeństwo budynków mieszkalnym potrzebne zupełnie zaopatrzone było.
2; Breweries away from places designated as Residential buildings, lying on the banks of the River kamienicy, Smokers masonry of that if possible the end, so that all the fire safety of residential buildings needed was completely stocked.
3; W tych Browarkach pozwalam Im Palenia wódki na hure który tak się rozumieć ma ze każdy posiadacz tu wymieniony wypalona Wódka Beczkami niemniej [jak 30 garcy miary krajowej w sobie trzymającego ało nigdy] poddanym moim ani też komukolwiek dłu zcy lub krocie w Dobrach moich osiadaiącemu, lub zamieszkałemu pod jakimkolwiek du zamieszkania......
3; In these Breweries let the smoking vodka The hure who happens to understand is that every holder mentioned here [] subjects nor anyone in my long winner or a fortune in the estate of my osiadaiącemu, or domiciled in any large residence.....
4; Domy powyz wymienione, jako też I Browarki, dla zachowania prostosci, czyli geometrycznego Rozmiaru podług etb rysow od gruntowej zwierzchnosei wydanych stawiane bydz mają.
4; Houses above mentioned, as well and Breweries, for the sake of straightness, or geometric Size, Podług etb drawn from groundwater zwierzchnosei have issued posed bydz.
5; Posiadacze zaś takowych Domów, Browarkow j całego osiedla do skarbu mego opłacać będą corocznie na święto S. Marcina tojert. Dnia dwunastego Listopada roku każdego, Od jednego kwadratowego sąznia miary geometrycznym Widei..skiey, Lub łokci kwadratowych podobny miary w calow dwadzieścia cztery, dziewięć, w sobie zawierającego od całego placu posiadłego, podług osobnego Inwentarza spisać się mi anego po groszy Polskich sześć, a ze ciż saini sic swoją budują mocą przeto do lat trzech od daty niniejszego prawa rachując, od takowego opłacenia Czynszu będą wolni, prócz Wolfa Hochauzer który że ma Dom dawniej wystawiony, wypłacanie Czynszu takowego Ziemnego w Roku terazniejszym na Sto świętego Marcina zacznie.
5; Holders and those are houses, Browarkow her entire estate to the treasure of my pay will be selected annually on the feast of S. Martin tojert. Twelfth Day November of each year, From one square fathoms Widei..skiey geometric measure, Or square cubits similar measure in inch and twenty-four, nine, in itself contains the entire square posiadłego, provided by a separate Inventory write down to me ured the Polish-six cents, and the PHI Saini sic therefore build their strength up to three years from the date the law It shall counting, The rent from paying any be free, but Wolf Hochauzer that it has previously exhibited House, Natural takowego The rent payment in the present tense to the Hundred Year St. Martin starts.
6; Od każdego garea gorzałczanego garca to iezd garez
6; from each
Page 10 -

Page 11 - Market dates

partly translation
Jarmarki w Labowa czyli w Lubomierzu
Markets in Labowa or in Lubomierzu
w następujące dni mają (bydz) [być] do roku 12-
in the following days have be in a year, 12
1 na nowy rok ruski 14; Januarii [januarii =latin]
1 Russian new year 14 January
2 15; Februarii na N. …romnicę Ruski
2 February 15 on ................... Russian
3 Na Środopoście Ruskie
Page 12 - Boundaries of Labowa

Partly translation
Lubomierz o Łabowa
ist entfernt von Neusandec 2½ Meilen
Is distant from Nowy Sacz 2½ miles
“ “ von Altsandec 3½ Meilen
Is distant from old Sacz 3½ miles
“ “ von Grybow 4 Meilen
“ “ von Tylicz 4 Meilen
“ “ von Muszyna 4 Meilen
Der Handel besteht mit Pferden vorzüglich aber mit hornvieh,
The trade exists with horses but especially with horned cattle,
borstenvieh, Schafer, ziegen, widder, ges……
bristle cattle [= pigs], shepherd, goats, ram, …….
Leinwand, ordinären teich, häuten, Riefeln, .......
Fabric, ordinary pond, skin, knurling, …….
Getreid[e], etc…
Grain, etc…
official Copy of The Privilege, 1855